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These are some early attempts... essentially recreating a PC demo effect from the early 1990s. A shade "bob" (essentially a sprite graphic) bounces around the video area leaving a colourful trail that builds up over time.
Scroll down for some video samples.
Sample source code for download:
Sample shadebob Targas for download (you might need to right-click -> save-link-target-as):
- filled circle
A simple filled circle, 49x49, 24bpp
- feather
A shadebob of feather, 109x150, 24bpp - this one is interesting 'cause the trail isn't entirely uniform
- pot leaf
Heh, of course I had to try this with a cannabis leaf, the result was kinda cool actually, 150x150, 24bpp
And here are some examples of the final renderings, changing various variables from one to the other:
shadebobs - the original render
shadebobs negative - same as the first, only the trail subtracts instead of adds
shadebobs feather - same as the first, but now using a feather as the shadebob
shadebobs feather 2 - same as shadebobs feather, but with increased speed and intensity
shadebobs pot - same as the first, but now using a cannabis leaf as the shadebob